Book Blogger Appreciation Week: Day One - Appreciation!

Today is all about showing love to the blogs we enjoy reading daily.  Thanks to Blogger and Twitter there are a ton of blogs I read reviews on but there are a quite a few that stand out as daily go-tos, for a variety of reasons.  Since my reading is eclectic, so are the blogs I read.

I Am Canadian - over the past few years I've been exposed to the fantastic literature that my fabulous country puts out.  One blog that does an amazing job of promoting Canadian literature is The Book Mine Set.  John is the host of the Canadian Book Challenge, which invites readers from all over the world to discover what Canada has to offer.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - when it comes to finding fabulous, fun chick lit I look no further than Novelicious.  It's a great place to find established writers, up and comers and self-published writers.  It also provides great insight into the writing process.

For Those Who Dream of Owning A Book Shop - Ellie from Musings of a Bookshop Girl runs a second hand bookshop in a tourist town in England.  Who doesn't have that dream?  Her blog not only shares book reviews but fascinating stories of life behind the scenes at a bookshop.

The Award Winners - Jackie at Farm Lane Books Blog has the place to go if you're into prize winning fiction, especially the Booker, Pulitzer and Orange Prizes.  She provides great insight the awards world and literary fiction.

Christian Girls Get Edgy - Joy and Serena are the lovely ladies behind Edgy Inspirational Romance where they review Christian romance books in which you'll find temptation, lust, and gritty topics, with a huge dose of faith.

Putting Authors of Colour in the Spotlight - Reads4Pleasure is a great place to go when looking for books by Authors of Colour.   Unfortunately, diversity in reading isn't what it should be and a lot of blogs are working hard to fix this, especially this one.

Those are just a few of the blogs I enjoy in this fantastic book blogosphere.  I hope you'll check them out, if you haven't already.


  1. Thank you for the mention! That is an ecclectic mix of blogs! Most are new to me so I'm off to take a look. The blog written by the owner of a second-hand book shop sounds especially interesting.

  2. I can see I'm going to have even more trouble keeping up with reading blogs than I already do!

  3. Hello, fellow Canadian! I've been reading the Book Mine Set since I started blogging. Great pick!

  4. I follow Jackie, too and drop in on Ellie every now and then. So many great book blogs out there.

  5. And I'm pleased to find yours, too! :)

  6. What a great list. I've only heard of one blog on it and that was very recent. So I'm looking forward to checking out the others. Your write-up of them made me want to instantly click the links and see what they're all about.

  7. It is good to find some great blogs via BBAW! I am going to check out a few of those!

    Here is my BBAW: Appreciation post.

  8. This is a really fantastic list of bloggers. I don't know all of them, but I'm excited to dig into some of their blogs!

  9. I am having the most fun exploring all of these blogs today! I'm drunk on the possibilities of it all! Yay! Thanks for sharing your list

    The Relentless Reader

  10. I really like Farm Lane Books too. I'll have to check out the others on your list. Thanks for sharing :-)

  11. Those are all new to me bloggers. I love seeing everyone's list. Also thank you for stopping by and following me. I will be doing the same. I love the look and feel of your blog.

  12. A great cross section of blogs there - thanks, cannot wait to check those that are new to me out!

  13. Wonderful list....wish I had know about this event. Next year hopefully I will be aware and not forget about it. :)

    Have a terrific, fun week.

    Silver's Reviews

  14. Awww, thanks for the nod! *feels all warm and fuzzy* Hopefully the shop'll be a bit quieter now for a month or two, so I can stop running round after, er, 'colourful' customers, and get some quality reading done! :)


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