"It's Monday, What Are You Reading?"

I'm still struggling a little bit with reading during the week, trying to balance the early mornings and long days while staying awake through it all!  However, thanks to a sickie this past weekend, I managed to hit my reading goals and get a few good books finished.

What I Read Last Week:
Up and Down by Terry Fallis
Where We Belong - Emily Giffin
Flaw Less - Shana Burton

What I'm Reading Now:
The Chaos by Nalo Hopkinson
Sixteen-year-old Scotch struggles to fit in -at home she's the perfect daughter, at school she's provocatively sassy, and thanks to her mixed heritage, she doesn't feel she belongs with the Caribbeans, whites, or blacks. And even more troubling, lately her skin is becoming covered in a sticky black substance that can't be removed. While trying to cope with this creepiness, she goes out with her brother-and he disappears. A mysterious bubble of light just swallows him up, and Scotch has no idea how to find him. Soon, the Chaos that has claimed her brother affects the city at large, until it seems like everyone is turning into crazy creatures. Scotch needs to get to the bottom of this supernatural situation ASAP before the Chaos consumes everything she's ever known-and she knows that the black shadowy entity that's begun trailing her every move is probably not going to help.

What I Plan To Read Next:

Whirl Away by Russell Wangersky
The Selector of Souls by Shauna Singh Baldwin

I'm reading The Chaos for the A More Diverse Universe Blog Hop which highlights people of colour in the Speculative Fiction genre.  You can learn more about it by clicking on the button on my sidebar.


  1. Whirl Awway sounds intersting. I like the cover on it. I will watch for what you have to say about it.

    Lisa's World of Books, Week Recap

    1. Thanks, I'm looking forward to reading a short story collection, haven't read one in a while.

  2. Chaos looks tempting. Hope you enjoy your week....and here's MY MONDAY MEMES POST

    1. I'm only a bit into it but it's really good. Definitely branching out to a new genre for me.

  3. Glad you hit your reading goal! Hope this week you are just as successful.

    1. Thanks! I'm not aiming high but hopefully things will start slowing down soon.

  4. We're in different universes at the moment, Shan. I don't recognise any of these books! :-)

    Hope you have a great time reading them.

    1. They're all Canadian authors, I hope you'll check them out Judith!

  5. I haven't heard of any of the books you are reading. It's good to be diverse in reading genres. I too am an eclectic reader.

    1. I've always been fairly diverse, but I'm trying to expand even more!

  6. Wow, Chaos sound like a great read, I hope you're enjoying it :) I'll have to add it on my wishlist.

    Happy reading & have a great week!

    1. I've only just begun but I'm definitely hooked, I think it's going to be great.

  7. All of your upcoming reads are new to me, hope you like them all! I'm off to read your reviews... :)

    Have a great week of reading!
    The Relentless Reader

    1. Thank you! I hope one of these will jump out at you. All three reads this week are from Canadian authors.

  8. I heard a bit about Whirl Away on Bella's Bookshelves, it sounds good. Love the cover of the Baldwin book!

  9. The Baldwin book is gorgeous in hardcover, I was in awe when I opened the package! I'm really looking forward to Whirl Away.

  10. The Selector of Souls sounds really interesting and atmospheric. I'm off to check it out!

  11. Chaos sounds interesting - can't wait to see your review of it. Hope you enjoy all the books you're reading this week.

  12. I love the idea of a more diverse universe blog hop! And thank goodness the cover model reflects the character...I hate when they whitewash the covers for marketing.

  13. The Selector of Souls sounds really good. Enjoy your week!

  14. Nice selection of books, I'm an eclectic reader too. Enjoy your reads this week and thanks for visiting my blog too :)


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