Month In Review
Well, January was quite the month. It was a cold one here for a while in Toronto, with deep freeze temperatures. That kept me indoors reading quite a lot. Then there was the two-day root canal and the accompanying jaw pain that kept me on the couch and reading quite a lot. So January turned out to be a great reading month for me. Usually I find myself in a bit of a slump at the end of December/beginning of January with the holidays and getting back into the swing of things. But this year I decided that I would try to put myself on a sort of reading schedule, making sure I read challenge books each month so I'm not rushing at the end, getting of all the review books read in a quick manner, and knocking books of my TBR list as well as new releases. It felt good to be so organized! Books Read Here's what I read in January (stars are the ratings I gave the books on GoodReads.) The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis **** I Heart London by Lindsay