Year in Review

Another year comes to a close. I say it every year that it feels like the year just flew by but this year seemed to go faster than most. Maybe it was because it was such a fantastic year in books for me! A personal highlight from 2015 was getting a job in a bookstore, because isn't that the dream? Now let's see how my year in reading went: Trends This year, I kept detailed track of the books I read so that I could see what my reading habits are like. Here are some interesting stats from that: 96 Books Read, 27384 Pages Read Average Rating: 4 31% of the books I read were Canadian. The next most-read genre was Chick Lit at 19% . 69% of the books were written by female authors. 38% of the books I read were diverse books. Popular Posts Daydreams of Angels by Heather O'Neill All Inclusive by Farzana Doctor The Reason You Walk by Wab Kinew Villa America by Liza Klaussman China Rich Girlfriend by Kevin Kwan Life or Someth...