Book Blogger Appreciation Week Day 2 - The Interview

One of the highlights of Book Blogger Appreciation Week is the interview swap and that is today!  Two book bloggers meet up, interview each other and share the details!

I am paired up with Nat of Reading Romances and we had a fabulous chat, the first half of which I am sharing here. (That would be me in the blue italics!)

Hi Shan, nice to meet you! I'm Nat =)

Hi Nat, it's great to meet you as well!

What books do you like to read? What would you say is your favorite genre?'

I'm a pretty eclectic reader.  It's hard for me to pick just one favourite genre.  I love all sorts of fiction especially Canadian and British fiction.  I'm starting to branch out into new genres like mystery and speculative fiction.  Basically I just pick up what sounds interesting!

Cool! Eclectic is nice, I have an online book club called Eclectic Passions, focused on romantic fiction!

I saw your book club and it has piqued my interest.  Can you tell me more about Eclectic Passions?

Sure, it's a book club that I started with Christine ( last month. Our goal is to be eclectic and read several romance sub genres! So we choose a sub genre each month and come up with a small list with books we'd both like to read and add some that were suggested to us.The nicest thing about this book club is that participants get to vote for the books they'd like to read and help pick up the time for the meeting to happen.

I haven't read much romance, so Eclectic Passions may be a good start for me!  What books would you recommend for someone who is new to the genre?

Oh, that's such a big responsibility! I'd say go for a sub genre you already enjoy and add some romance to it. For example, you said you started to read mystery, so I would recommend a romantic suspense. If you enjoy chick lit you might like to start with a funny and light book, for historical fiction lovers, a historical romance and so it goes. Look for a blurb that interests you!

I guess I do read a bit of romance then, I just never really thought of it that way!

You're not the first or the last one! People have a misconception when it comes to romances, about boddice rippers and maidens in need of saving (amongst several others). I wanted to find other people like me when I started blogging, I didn't have any friends to share my reading experience with.
When did you start blogging?

2.5 years ago.  I had a lot of people ask me what I was reading and for book recommendations, but none of them could keep up with my reading pace.  I decided to start blogging so I could connect with other readers and so my friends wouldn't be overwhelmed with all the books I was reading.

That is interesting, book bloggers read really fast and a lot. Would it be by necessity or love, I wonder?! LOL! Maybe the more you read the better you get or something in those lines...

We're definitely a special kind of people!  I think it just starts with love and takes off from there! 
When you first started blogging, were there any early challenges for you?

Yes, writing reviews wasn't really easy when I started. Once I set the goal that I would have my own blog I practiced writing reviews for others sites first and see how that would go. I gess I needed to practice more and also be more confident about it.

Well, it definitely worked, reading your blog now one wouldn't think you had problems writing reviews.

Well, now I don't anymore!! Thank god!

To read the rest of our conversation, head on over to Nat at Reading Romances.


  1. I had so much fun, it was great meeting you =)

  2. What a unique way to do the interview! Sounds like a lot of fun :)

  3. I don't know anyone in my real life that reads like I do. My Mom used to but not so much any more.

  4. Love the conversation style! Also, love your convo about romance sub-genres - so true :D


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