It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.   It's a weekly meme that helps you get organized for the week ahead and find out what other book bloggers are reading.

Tomorrow is the first day of school!  My daughter is really looking forward to it, my husband...not so much.  It really seems to sneak up on him!  This past weekend I participated in the Ready, Set, Readathon.  Even though it was a busy weekend, I managed to read two books so it was a great success!

Last week I read:
One Way or Another by Rhonda Bowen
A Nation Worth Ranting About by Rick Mercer
On The Island by Tracy Garvis Graves

What I'm reading now:

Goodbye For Now by Laurie Frankel
Love, Sex, and Happily Every After by Craig Groeschel

What I'm Reading Next:
I haven't decided yet.  The long list for the Scotiabank Giller Prize, Canada's most prestigious literary prize, will be announced tomorrow and each year I like to read as many of the books on the list as I can.  So once the list is out I will try to get my hands on all the books and get reading!

What are you reading this week?


  1. Thank you for sharing these titles. I had to look up Happily Ever After; it sounds like a good book for those who are married or are thinking about becoming married.

    Here's my It's Monday! What Are You Reading?I hope you will stop by!

    1. Happily Ever After seems geared more toward people who aren't married yet but it is still a good read for everyone.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. All these books look good to me! Enjoy!!

  3. I'm definitely going to have to look for that long list, I love finding out about new books that way. Thanks for the heads up! Have a great week of reading :)
    The Relentless Reader

    1. I'll be posting the long list here tomorrow! It's a great way to find some of the best of Canada!

  4. I haven't read any of the books you mentioned, but I hope you enjoy. I'll definitely be reading a few titles from the SG list as well, so I'm excited to see what books are on it.

    1. I get excited every year but for some reason this year I just can't wait!

  5. The cover for 'Goodbye for Now' is amazing and a friend of mine loved 'On the Island'! Thanks for stopping by! :)
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  6. The Readathon sounds like something that would be perfect for a rainy autumn weekend - and here in Europe, the Canadian book prize usually doesn't make the news, so i now look forward on your reads from the list. Have a great reading week!

  7. Wow, looks like you had a great reading week. I need to try a read-a-thon one of these days...

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment.

    Enjoy your books this week -


    Great Books for Kids and Teens

    Book By Book

  8. Oh, I have never heard of the Scotiabank Giller prize! Thanks for mentioning it.

    I replied to your comment over at my blog with some steampunk book suggestions! :)


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