"It's Monday, What Are You Reading?"

It's Monday, What Are You Reading is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.  It's a great place to find book bloggers, find out what they're reading and make great book connections.

Last week was the first week of school which also meant the first week of 6:30am wake ups to catch a 7:45am bus.  My first grader and even my three year old had no problems doing this.  Me on the other hand...well at least we made it on time every morning.  So my reading last week wasn't fantastic.  Something about being tired and trying to read just wasn't working.  I'm hoping that this week the early mornings won't be as much of a shock to the system.

What I Read Last Week:
Love, Sex and Happily Ever After by Craig Groeschel
Everything The Bible Says About Money by Baker Publishing Group

What I Am Currently Reading:

I'm still working on Goodbye For Now by Laurie Frankel.  I'm enjoying it, but just not getting through it as fast as I had hoped.  So I'm going to set it down for a few days then start again.  So now I'm reading Up and Down by Terry Fallis (click on book titles for more information.)

What I Plan to Read Next:

Since I didn't read much last week, I'm not planning on a big week again.  When I finish the other two I will pick up Where We Belong by Emily Giffin.

What are you reading this week?


  1. Returning to work has put a crimp in my reading, too. I finished a lot of short books, but my reread of Watership Down is slowing to a crawl.

    Here's my It's Monday! What Are You Reading? I hope you will stop by!

  2. Schedule changes are always harder on the grown-ups lol

    Hope you have an awesome week!!

  3. Love the combination of the titles and covers - my week is also a bit slower than expected. Have a lovely reading week :) here are my reads: http://virtual-notes.blogspot.de/search/label/bookshelf

  4. I just started Where We Belong...can't wait to read your review!

  5. Up and Down sounds fun!

    Have a great reading week
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out


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