Book Blogger Appreciation Week Day 3: What Blogging Means To Me

I'm trying to think of one deep, meaningful sentence that can sum up what blogging means to me but I can't think of anything to say that is profound or earth-shattering.  It's not because blogging doesn't mean anything to me, just that it's something that permeates so many different parts of my life that one sentence doesn't sum it up.  So here's a few reasons why I love blogging:

I'm part of a like-minded community 
My life revolves around two little people who can't read yet.  And while I love reading to them, there isn't much conversation that follows "Count With Dora."  Blogging opens up a world to me where I can discuss books with other readers who love books as much as I do.  That's just not something that exists in my daily life.

I get to write 
My undergrad degree was all about writing - 30 page research paper?  No problem.  Four 30 page research papers?  Bring it on.  My graduate degree was much more writing intensive.  Though the papers were much shorter, the writing was much more creative and that's where I fell in love with writing.  I may not have followed a career path where I can write, but blogging allows me these moments of creativity. 

I'm part of something bigger
Books comprise this massive world of writers, editors, publishers, readers, lovers, haters….and me!  I wouldn't trade my job as a stay at home mom for the world but if I had a dream job, it would be in the publishing industry.  And now I'm a part of it.  I get to help get the word out about books and authors, I get to assist the reading habits of others.  I get to interact with authors and tell them how much their books mean to me.  If you told the little girl who used to go into the bathroom after lights out time, lock the door, and sit on the side of the tub just so she could keep reading that she'd be doing this one day, she'd tell you you're crazy.

What does blogging mean to you?


  1. Speaking of Dora, my little one has recently become obsessed. I blame her father. He let her watch one episode and it was downhill from there. Haha

    Back to the subject at hand though--what you write is so true! I love being a part of a like-minded community. Find others who are just as book crazed as I am has been wonderful.

  2. Isn't it great being part of this community?! It's the best part about blogging for me. No one in my "real" life gets it the way this community does.

    The Relentless Reader

  3. Oh you're right, we're part of something bigger! It's not just the community spirit, it goes beyond that. I'm loving that, although I always watch out that I don't become a pawn in the marketing hands of a publisher!

  4. I am glad to meet so many book crazy people like me and book blogging has made my reading more intense!

    BBAW: Meaning of Book Blogging

  5. The community is one of the great parts of blogging.

  6. Nice post.

    To me blogging is all about the wonderful bloggers who make it happen.

    Stop by to see my post if you like.

    Have a fun day.

    Silver's Reviews

  7. Oh my goodness, I could have written this post! In fact, I pretty much did over on my own blog :P With a 3yo and a 9mo, and being a stay at home parent, blogging is a way I connect with the outside world and keep my "professional" side fresh. I know exactly what you're saying :)


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