Month In Review

Ahh...the end of summer. I love it and I hate it. I love it because I really like the cool fall weather, sweaters and scarves, and the changing colour of the leaves. But I hate it because it means our lazy days are over! August was a month in which tons of books came into my house, and not many got read. With the realization that there was only a month left until my husband went back to work and my daughter started school, we tried to cram as much fun into the month as we could. And we did! But my reading suffered. I'm trying to work my way through the Booker longlist. So far I've got one book read (which I read months ago), one almost finished and another just started. Not where I'd hoped to be, but it's a start. I'm looking ahead to the announcement of the Giller longlist on September 20th so I can work through that as well. Hopefully with school starting and getting back into a routine I'll be able to get more reading done. Hope you all had a lovely...