Ready, Set, Readathon!

The Ready, Set, Readathon begins now! It's hosted by Danie at Booktacular and Faye at A Daydreamer's Thoughts and runs from now (midnight on Friday) until the end of Sunday. The goal? Read as many books as you can for three day straight. You can also keep up with it on Twitter through the hashtag #RSReadathon. My plans for the readathon? Well first of all, Friday and Saturday are going to have to be my big reading days as I have plans for Sunday. I'm hoping to finish these two books for sure: After that I have a large pile of Canadian books I took out of the library in anticipation of the Giller Prize longlist announcement on Tuesday. I'm not sure which one I'll start with but I hope to also finish one book from the pile. Day 1 Progress: Pages Read: 254 Books Read: 1 A Nation Worth Ranting About by Rick Mercer was delivered to me today and I had to start it! Rick Mercer is to Canada what Jon Stewart is...