Book Blogger Hop

It's time for the Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Jennifer at Crazy For Books.  Today is the end of the first week back to school.  And the end of my first week waking up at 6:30am to get my daughter off to the bus on time!  So it's safe to say I've been tired all week long!  But I think now I'm starting to hit my stride and it will get easier from here.

This weeks question for the Hop is: What book series do you never want to see end?

I've never really been much a book series person.  I'll read them, but nothing I've become attached to the way people have with say, Harry Potter or Twilight.  But there are a few that enjoy that I hope continue to put out books for years to come.  These include The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith, the Annika Bengtzon mystery series by Liza Marklund, and of course the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella.

What series do you hope will never end?


  1. How could I have forgotten about the Shopaholic series?!? I adore Becky Bloomwood! :)

  2. I am a bit attached to Harry Potter & hated to see it end. I haven't read the entire Shopaholic series, but should look into the rest of them.

    My Hop

  3. Thanks for stopping by my Friday Hops! The Shopaholic series is a great answer! I wish I thought of that one =)

  4. Didn't read Harry Potter, but I do like The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency.

    Have a fun hop and stop by for giveaways on my blog if you like.

    Silver's Reviews

  5. I've got the first Ladies Detective Agency book on my Kindle - I haven't read it yet but I'm looking forwards to it :)

    My post for this week.

  6. I love the Twilight series. I never want to see it end.

  7. Haha I loved the Shopaholic series! I read it whenever I need a good laugh. Thanks for stopping by!

    -Angeline @BerdsFly

  8. I chose Harry Potter... but not particularly because I want Harry's story to go on, I just really like the world she's built and would love to see more books in that series. XD

    Old follower here!


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