"The Life Ready Woman" by Shaunti Feldhahn & Robert Lewis *Plus Giveaway*

Are you a 'Doing it all' or 'Do what matters' woman?

No matter what our roles in life are, as modern women we often find ourselves trying to figure out how to manage our busy lives. As Christian women, we turn to the Bible for guidance. But sometimes it can be hard to find the answers, since life today is much different from what it was back then. It's often hard to find chapter and verse that can be applied to our current situations.

In The Life Ready Woman: Thriving in a Do-It-All World, Shaunti Feldhan, with Robert Lewis, shows Christian women how they can live an abundant life while keeping a Biblical perspective. She shows us how we can live God's best for our lives and find the peace and balance we all desire.

I found this book refreshing. I often shy away from books that give life advice because I find that they are often written with only one type of person in mind, or that they are trying to create one type of person. But Shaunti Feldhahn realizes that this isn't what God wants, He wants us to live our own lives to the fullest.

Shaunti presents the three types of calling and design that help us to understand what we were created to be. The first is Core Callings, our callings and design as human beings made in God's image. The second is Feminine Callings, our callings and design as women. The third is Personal Callings, our callings and design as unique individuals.

From there, Shaunti shows us how we can determine what our callings are and how to live them out. What I liked most about the book is that she examines this from the perspective of the different life seasons. Whether you are a single woman, a mother, or a widow, young or old, she will help you develop your callings and design to suit where you currently are.

As women today we face pressure from everywhere to do it all. But when we look at our lives we see that it's not really possible. If you're struggling with trying to do it all this book will help you take a look at your life, what you need to focus on right now, and how to live your life so that you feel like you're thriving instead of just surviving.

About Shaunti Feldhahn

Shaunti Feldhahn is a former Wall Street analyst, best-selling author of the book For Women Only, national speaker, and regular commentator in the media. She has been featured on the The Today Show, PBS, TNT and Fox News - to name a few. You can learn more about her many activities by visiting her website Shaunti.com or get some great mom advice from her at MomLifeToday.com. She and her husband live with their two young children in Atlanta, Georgia and enjoy every minute of living at warp speed.

I would like to thank the ladies at Litfuse for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed above are purely my own.

Checkout this great giveaway from MomLife Today:

In celebration of Shaunti Feldhahn’s Life Ready Woman, MomLife Today is giving away 2 Weekend To Remember Gift Packs and much more!

Not only, is MomLife Today helping promote Life Ready Woman, but they are thrilled to announce that Shaunti will be joining MomLife Today as a regular contributor!!!

Weekend To Remember Get-Aways offer marriage-changing principles that you can take home and apply to your daily lives to strengthen your marriage. Whether you are newly engaged or have been married for 50 years, you will find value in the tools provided at the getaway.


Don’t miss this opportunity to receive a conference registration for you and your spouse … and more! MomLife Today will be randomly selecting NINE lucky recipients to receive one of these great gifts:
  1. 2 Weekend To Remember Get Away conference registrations for two. $259 value each pair (Two couples will receive this.)

  2. 2 Life Ready Woman DVD packs. $149 value each (Two different people will receive this gift.)

  3. 5 The Life Ready Woman books. (Book will go to 5 people.)
To enter click one of the icons below then tell your friends. Winner will be announced on March 2nd on the MomLife Today website.

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MomLife Today provides encouragement, advice and resources to help YOU with your daily Momlife! Because…every MOMent counts!

***Check out my great giveaway***

I'm giving away a copy of The Life Ready Woman! To enter, leave a comment below with your email address. Contest is open to Canadian and US addresses and will run until 11:59pm on Friday, March 4th. Winner will be posted here and notified by email.


  1. Sounds like it might be a good read for my life!!
    (you already have my email :)

  2. Sounds like a good read, count me in :)


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