Book Blogger Hop

Happy Friday! My weeks seem to be going by pretty fast which is nice, but that also means that the weekends are going by just as fast! I'm looking forward to a relaxing day of reading on Saturday and the Super Bowl on Sunday.

The Book Blogger Hop hosted by Jennifer at Crazy For Books is a weekly get together for book bloggers. Each week about 300 bloggers participate so you will definitely find some new blogs to follow and some great books to read.

This weeks question is: What are you reading now and why are you reading it?

I'm reading two books right now:

The Life Ready Woman by Shaunti Feldhan is for a blog tour. It's a book for Christian woman to help discover what God's purpose is for your life, how to live it out and to be ready for what life brings you. So far, I'm really enjoying it.

War Child: A Child Soldier's Story by Emmanuel Jal is his personal story of being a child soldier in Sudan. I just finished reading Romeo Dallaire's book on child soldiers so I thought it would be good to read a personal account to compliment what I read. I've read a few other personal accounts of child soldiers (Ishmael Beah's A Long Way Gone and Mariatu Kamara's The Bite of the Mango) and they are incredible stories. A great way for people in the West to understand the horrifying use of child soldiers in conflicts around the world.

What are you reading now?


  1. Hi Shan! I too wish time would slow down for the weekends.

    I'm reading two books: Middlemarch by George Eliot and Delirium by Lauren Oliver. I've been reading a few chapters of Middlemarch between lighter reads, and have nearly finished. I've been reading this for months now; it'll be weird when I reach the end.

  2. I'm on the Life Ready Woman blog tour too. Kinda bummed they changed the dates. It messed up my reading schedule.

    I'm currently reading The Laws of Thinking. Hoping to get through it this weekend so I can post on it Monday.Started on it late in the week because I was reading Life Ready Woman and decide to put it down until next week.

    Although next week I had planned to read a book that would be perfect to post about on Valentines day......

    sighs.... gotta be flexibile right.......

  3. "War Child" sounds interesting (even though I think it'll be hard to read just because of kids being in such a hellish situation) - looking forward to your review of that book!

    Here's my Book Blogger Hop: 2/4-2/7 post.

  4. hopping thru: The Life Ready Woman-sounds good.

  5. Heey
    The War Child book looks great!! Thanks for hopping by, now following back!!

  6. Hey Shan! I haven't read Queen of Babble but I will surely check it out. And I felt like this week went by quickly as well! Cool picks this week. Thanks for stopping by :)

    Lah @ LazyGirl Reads

  7. I'm reading Kate Alender's Bad Girls Don't Die and rereading my own novel (unpublished) follower (think my name shows up as Varsha) and I love your blog :)
    Hope you drop by some time :)

  8. here's mine

  9. Ah, another Sudan boy soldier book. I'm glad to know of it. Such a tragic thing. Thanks for sharing about it.

    Hopping by.

  10. Good answer! The answer on my book blog is a little embarassing; it’s a book that’s been sitting on my TBR pile for a year.

    To my shame, I only opened the book because I remember it contained an Amazon gift card.

    All the sordid details on my book blog –

    Hop on over!

    Howard Sherman

  11. Interesting choice of books you're reading. I'm currently reading "The Scorpion's Bite" by author Aileen G. Baron. It's an archaeological thriller set in the WWII era which takes place in Jerusalem and the Middle East. It's the third book in the Lily Sampson series. I'm reading it because I enjoy historical fiction and loved the author's first two books.

  12. Hopping through. War Child sounds really interesting!.
    My Hop

  13. Hi, just hopping by to say Hi again. War Child looks interesting, will look that one up. Have a great weekend.

  14. Hopping by from the blog hop....

    Stop by my blog if you like to see my answer and to read my reviews.

    Have a fun hop.

  15. Hi - they look interesting, albeit not my kind of book.

  16. Thanks for stopping by my blog. The Life Ready Woman sounds really interesting, probably something that I could use at this stage in my life. =)


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