Book Blogger Hop

It's Friday and it's time for the Book Blogger Hop! Hop on over to Crazy For Books and check out some great book blogs. If you are into Young Adult books, there is a wealth of amazing blogs for you to find there. No matter what genre you're into, you'll find great blogs.

Well, World Cup action is starting for today, so I must go watch!

Happy Friday!


  1. Just hopping by to say "hi" and hope you are having a fun filled weekend!!!

    Happy Reading!

  2. Hi, I found you one the hop. I am doing a beach bag giveaway package on my book blog site too. I hope you hop by and check it out and enter.
    Kelly Bookend Diaries

  3. Found you through the Hop and I'm now a follower - Love your layout!

    I'm at

  4. Thank you for stopping by all, I love finding new blogs through the Hop!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog during the hop! I hope you've had a great weekend!

  6. Coming to you from the hop :)
    Also a new follower :)


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