Bloggiesta Wrap-Up

On Friday, as I was looking through the blogs I read, I noticed a lot of people had signed up for Bloggiesta. I was curious, so I checked it out. Usually I'm not online on the weekends, but this sounded too good to pass up. My blog needed some work and updating, so why not sign up? But, this weekend was also the first weekend of the World Cup! I wasn't sure just how much I would get accomplished with so much football to watch (thankfully, my team plays tomorrow.)
So here is what I accomplished this weekend:
1. I have a new background and header, lighter and brighter reflecting the fact that summer is here!
2. I set up an email address, wrote a review policy, posted them to my blog and even contacted a publishing company.
3. I learned TONS about RSS Feeds and Subscriptions and got them set up on my blog.
4. I cleaned up my labels
5. I responded to comments that needed responding to.
6. I discovered some fabulous book blogs, got to know the book blogging community better, and of course, added to my to read list!
I also completed 5 of the mini challenges posted at Maw Books Blog. These really helped me to realize that I was doing pretty much the basics when it comes to blogging and that there is a whole lot about it that I did not know.
Overall, this was a great weekend. I spent about 6 hours working on my blog and was able to get done everything I wanted to.
Now back to the reviews!
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