
I've been thinking about making a few changes to my blog lately. When I first started it, I was totally new to the blog world and not quite sure what I was doing! But now that I've been around for 6 months, I figured I'd fix things up a bit. And when better to do it than during the Bloggiesta!

Bloggiesta is new to me, but this is the third time it's been happening and it's hosted by Maw Books Blog.

So what do I want to do to my blog?
1. I'm thinking of a new background and header to reflect upon the fact that summer is here!
2. I need a review policy (and with this comes setting up an email address specifically for it.)
3. I want to learn more about RSS Feeds and Subscriptions
4. I need to clean up my labels
5. I need to get in there and respond to some comments.
6. I want to discover more fabulous book blogs, and branch out into the community.

I think that is doable this weekend. I'm looking forward to it!


  1. I've been thinking about changing my header. I just can't make up my mind.

    You can find my Bloggiesta post HERE

  2. Thanks for the well wishes on my goals. This is my first time particiapting too. Good luck on your goals!

  3. Hi Shan - thanks for dropping by my blog. My first Bloggiesta too and its surprising how much you can get done. Good luck with your to do list. :-)

  4. Thanks for stopping by Page Turners. Thats what I love about the blogger hop, finding so many good blogs :-) Good luck with all you want to achieve during bloggiesta

  5. I've changed my blog's look a couple of times in the past almost 5 months of me blogging. I plan to change it again by getting one made :D

    I also need to reply to comments more and learn about RSS Feeds and subscriptions.
    You know what?!

    This meme sounds fun, I'm gonna give it a try :D Good Luck!

  6. Thanks for stopping by everyone! Hope you are all doing well with your goals!


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