A Look Ahead at 2014

Happy New Year!!!

I trust that you all are recovering from the late night last night, whether you were out at a party or curled up at home with a good book ringing in the new year (like me!)  Today I'll be welcoming in 2014 at my in laws with some good Jamaican food, which I think is a great way to start the year.  Here's a look ahead at what I hope will be another excellent year in reading.

After last year, I probably should have realized that signing up for challenges isn't for me.  But there's something about signing up for them that I can't resist.  So this year, in addition to continuing the only challenge I ever complete (The Canadian Book Challenge), I'm signing up for 2 that I think will actually be achievable:

The Mount TBR Challenge hosted by Roof Beam Reader

For this challenge, you read 12 books that have been sitting on your shelf or TBR list for over a year. Any book published in 2012 and earlier counts.  I definitely need this challenge, I think I have more books on my shelf that haven't been read than have been!  Check out my master list here.

Diversity on the Shelf Challenge hosted by My Little Pocketbooks

This challenge aims to increase diversity in what you read by encouraging you to read books by authors of colour or that include main characters of colour.  I have chosen to go for the level of 5th Shelf and read 25+ books for this challenge.  Looking back at the books I read, I don't think that this will be difficult for me but it's important for me to sign up for the challenge to encourage diversity in the publishing industry.

The Blog
I love my little piece of the internet and I'm very happy with how things are going.  But this year I want to work on expanding my use of social media.  I'm around, but I haven't been very active and I want to work on that and participate in challenges and get-togethers there this year.  So be sure to check me out on Twitter and Instagram.

Books I'm Looking Forward To:
Here are just a few of the books I'm excited to read in 2014.

What I'm Looking Forward Non-Reading-wise in 2014

Go Oranje!

What are you looking forward to in 2014?


  1. I'm in for the TBR challenge as well and I can't wait to start. And for some reason I always forget to post my stuff to the Canadian Book Challenge. I read a fair bit of Canadian, i just forget to share!

  2. Welcome! So thrilled you are joining the Diversity on the Shelf challenge. Side note: I didn't know Emma D had a new book out. I loved Room. Must check this one out. Thanks and Welcome!


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