It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. It's a great way to meet book bloggers and find out what they are reading.  It should come with a warning - will significantly increase your to read pile.

Last week was a horrendous reading week for me and it's safe to say that I'm seriously behind in my reading and reviewing.  Dangerously behind.

This week is Banned Books Week.  So that is what my reading is centred on this week.

Last week I read:

 1984 by George Orwell

Reading now:
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Reading next:
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

So pretty much, my It's Monday reading is the same this week as it was last week!  Once I finish these books I'll be back to reading through the Giller long list.  The short list is being announced at 11am today and then there is one more month until the winner is announced!

What are you reading this week?  Any banned books?


  1. Ah, Brave New World....I do recall that one, although I'd like to reread it.

    Thanks for sharing...and here's MY MONDAY MEMES POST

    1. I've been wanting to read it for a while now, I'm excited I'm finally getting to it.

  2. I'm flabbergasted that Just Listen has been banned! Sarah Dessen is such a wonderful author; I've been reading her books for 10+ years, and they've always been so important to me. I hope you enjoy Just Listen!

    Anna @ The Book Hutch
    What I'm Reading — Week of October 1, 2012

    1. It's been challenged. A parent complained that the subject matter was too adult for teenagers. Makes me laugh when I think about what I was reading in high school. I don't know if the ban went through, but it's now on challenged lists.

  3. I enjoyed Just Listen, hope you do too. Hope you have a great reading week and get caught up, it's very stressful when you get behind.

  4. 1984 has been on my list forever! And thanks for the reminder about the Giller shortlist - I've been keeping my eye out for news, but somehow got caught up with other stuff and forgot about it.


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