Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon

Tomorrow is the October 24 Hour Readathon.  This is my second time participating, and I'm not quite sure how it's going to go.  I did pretty well last time but I haven't been able to fully clear my schedule so life might get in the way just a little bit this time around!  If you've never heard of or participated in the readathon go to the website to check it out.

Last week my daughter became ill, then a few days later both my son and I fell ill, so my reading has been non-existent for the last week.  I've left a lot of books half-finished so I'll be using the readathon to really work on getting those done.  Here's my plan:



Gerry Dee's Teaching: It's Harder Than It Looks will be my go to book when I find things getting a little heavy.  I've seen his stand-up live and he is hilarious.  Though I'm sure once I start that book I'll be unable to put it down.  The Stone Thrower is my motivation to push through finishing the first three books, I've been wanting to read it for a while.

I'll be updating my progress here and in my sidebar throughout the day.
Are you participating in the readathon?  What are you planning on reading this weekend?


  1. I hope you all feel better soon! We're going through the exact same thing here - I was ill last week and now my mum's ill. :(

    Inside looks great! I hope you manage to finish it!

    (Here's what I'll be reading this weekend)

  2. I hope you're feeling better! You can always read in bed. ;-) I have a few books that I want to finish this weekend too though the new books in my pile look all pretty and shiny. Happy reading.


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