Fall Into Reading 2011

Fall Into Reading 2011 is a low-pressure reading challenge hosted by Callapidder Days. Here is what you do to participate:

  • Create a list of some books you’d like to read or finish this fall. This is the only real requirement for participating in the challenge.
  • Feel free to set some additional reading goals (such as reading to your kids two hours per week, getting through your pile of magazines, etc.). However, this is not required; setting additional goals is completely optional.
  • Write a blog post that includes the list of books you want to read (and any additional goals you’ve set), and get ready to post it on your blog on September 23rd.
  • Visit Callapidder Days on September 23rd to sign up for the challenge. I’ll have an official launch post up that morning, complete with an area for you to submit a link to your personal Fall Into Reading post, where it will be added to the master list of participants.
  • Read! Work on your goals throughout Fall 2011.
  • Report your results. Write another blog post in December to let everyone know how you did. (I’ll post an official wrap-up to the challenge on December 22nd, where you’ll be able to share your results.)
  • Have fun! Visit other participants to see what they’re reading. Write reviews if you’re so inclined. But most of all, enjoy your fall reading!
This is a great challenge for me, I have tons of books sitting on my bookshelves that are begging to be read, but I keep getting books from the library. So here are the books from my shelf that I have chosen for this challenge:

Baggage - Emily Barr

Children of the Waters - Carleen Brice

How to Be Married - Polly Williams

Cocktails for Three - Madeleine Wickham

Busy Woman Seeks Wife - Annie Sanders

Slightly Suburban - Wendy Markham

A Complicated Kindness - Miriam Toews

Tales from the Yoga Studio - Rain Mitchell

These aren't all the books on my shelf that I need to read, but it's a start!

When it comes to reading with my kids I've decided that I would like to commit to reading 50 french storybooks with my 4 year old daughter. She just started French Immersion and I want to keep the french going at home.

Will you be joining the challenge?


  1. Children of the Water is on my list to. Nice blog. :-) hope to stay connected.

  2. I read all the Shopaholic books by Sophie Kinsella, but haven't read anything written as Madeleine Wickham.

    Good luck with your reading. My list is a combo of review books and books that will help me complete the other reading challenges I am participating in.

  3. Good for you for reading the french along with your daughter. Happy reading on your books as well.

  4. I see you like chick lit, as do I. It makes a nice escape. Good luck with the challenge!

  5. I'm not familiar with those books but it looks fascinating. And how wonderful that you are able to read French books with your daughter. Keep it up!

  6. The French immersion sounds awesome, and good for you for being so committed to reinforcing that at home! Thanks for being part of the challenge. Enjoy your fall reading!

  7. Can't say I have heard of any of those books (I am finding that is true of many ladies' lists. But looks like you will have a great time

  8. I am with kewkew.. but I have been trying to not look at new books and read stuff off my shelves :-) Have fun reading this fall!

  9. My shelves are packed full with books that I have been wanting to get to, but something new always comes along that sounds too good to pass up on! :)

    Happy Reading!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! You've got a good list for the challenge, and I love what you're doing with your daughter, that's great! Enjoy the challenge!

  11. Thanks for the comment! I am definitely excited to start to prepare in a different way for Christmas, and I think that the Max Lucado book will be great for that! I definitely am going to take a look at some of the books from your list. And the French Immersion for you daughter sounds awesome! What a great idea to read with her!

  12. I love your French immersion challenge idea. Good luck with that! And enjoy all your other reading this Fall as well.

  13. Wow. I haven't heard of any of your books. I love it when that happens. It reminds me of just how much there is out there. Enjoy the challenge!

  14. Great list! And Yay for French books with your daughter. I think reading with your child is one of the most important things you can do with them. It really does make a difference!


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