Book Blogger Hop!

Happy Friday! It's time for the Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Jennifer at Crazy For Books. It's a weekly meme for book bloggers to find new blogs and get to know each better. Each week over 200 bloggers take part, so it's definitely a party!

This weeks question:

What is the one bookish thing you would love to have, no matter the cost?

Well, I own a TON of books as does my husband and right now we live in an apartment so all of our books are in boxes and being stored at a few different places. So when we own a house, my dream is to have my own library. The walls would be covered with bookshelves, there would be a comfy reading chair and a desk with my computer. The books would be shelved by subject and in alphabetical order, and yes, if someone borrowed a book there would be a computer program to keep track of that! It would be lovely!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. If you're hopping by please leave a link to your hop and I'll come visit. I'm having trouble viewing the linky on my computer so I might not find you on my own.


  1. sounds like my apartment! books spilling off the bookcases, boxes in the closet, stacks on the table.

    but what do i want? more books! ok, and maybe a 2 bedroom apt.

  2. A library for me too! This seems a popular choice.

    I have tried organising my few shelves by alphabetical order, colour order (saw it on a photo once and looked fab), genre order, but always go back to Dizzy order :)

    enjoy ur weekend!


  3. I like it that you're planning to use your collection as a library, complete with computer program! I like it when people borrow my books, too!

  4. I think I know exactly what you are asking for - check out my answer and you'll see!

    Happy Hop!


  5. Ooh I forgot to talk about organising the books! It's more for my own compulsive nature than anything - I don't like lending my books because I don't get them back, or I do and they're not in the same condition as I leant them and that upsets me.

    But I like to organise my books by genre, and I'd like the space to do alphabetical by author. The trouble is when I have different sized books by the same author - together, or in their own size grouping? Dilemmas! ;)

  6. Nice idea for organizing the books & having your own checkout system :)

    Here's my post. Have a great Hallowe'en :)

  7. Following that darn mechnical bunny around. His gears and cogs are wound tight.

    I would want a library at my finger tips, wait I have a Nook. I would want a million books to be loaded on it now :)

    I do not have a post for this week's hop but I do have a most wonderful new review posted. Stop by and see what I had to say about Stardust.

    Mad Scientist


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