Awards Love!!! Come get to know me.

First I have to say that I have been awful about posting about awards here and passing them on. For that I am truly sorry because I really appreciate the awards given to me and there are so many fabulous bloggers out there who I want to pass my awards on to! So I finally am doing it!

First up: The Versatile Blogger Award (given to me by Bethany at words, words, words)

The conditions of this award are that all recipients must:
1. Thank and link back to the person that gave this award
2. Write 7 things about yourself
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic
4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked to let them know about the award

Here's me:
1. Obviously, I love tea. Orange Pekoe with lots of milk in the morning or afternoon. At night, Vanilla Rooibos.
2. But I can't start my day without a cup of coffee and reading the Toronto Star.
3. Speaking of coffee, I love my Keurig! My husband bought it for me on our last anniversary because I broke the coffee maker and my son gets up way too early in the morning for me to function properly without caffeine. So it was a present for everyone!
4. I love British comedy. I grew up watching it with my grandmother. My husband is from another country in the Commonwealth so he grew up watching a lot of it as well. It's just our sense of humour. Right now my favourites are The IT Crowd and Outnumbered.
5. It's not just comedy, I'm addicted to Coronation Street.
6. I love watching Soccer. My dad is from the Netherlands and this past summer, my dad, myself and my husband were all downtown at the Dutch bar, standing in the street in the blazing hot sun, cheering on our Oranje. Too bad we didn't win.
7. I am also now a fan of American Football. My favourite team is the Minnesota Vikings. Why? Because it's the team that I can name the most players from (my husband loves football so I thought I'd show some interest!)

Second Award: The Life is Good Award (given to me by Tiffany at A Cozy Reader's Corner Reviews)

  • Thank and link back to the person that gave this award.
  • Answer the 10 survey questions.
  • Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic.
  • Contact the bloggers you’ve picked to let them know about the award.

1. If you blog anonymously are you happy doing it that way; if you are not anonymous do you wish you had started out anonymously so you could be anonymous now?
I'm not totally anonymous, I share my name, where I'm from and bits of information about myself. The only thing you won't find is a picture of me. I'm shy that way!

2. Describe one incident that shows your inner stubborn side:
I don't know if I even have an inner stubborn side, I really can't think of anything!

3. What do you see when you really look at yourself in the mirror?
That I am where I hoped I'd be. I'm a wife, mother, volunteer, sister, aunt, daughter. I feel so blessed to be a stay at home mom, so when I look in the mirror I'm happy with who I see because I think my inside happiness shows on the outside.

4. What is your favourite summer cold drink?
Tim Horton's Iced Capp. That's the Canadian in me.

5. When you take time for yourself, what do you do?
Time for myself, whats that? With two little ones, it's not often. Mostly I read but I also love the opportunity to just go on a leisurely shopping trip, even if I am shopping for groceries.

6. Is there something you still want to accomplish in your life? What is it?
I got a degree in Public Relations but never used it because I started my family right away. I would love to put that degree to use one day, but I'd like to do it in the not for profit sector. I do use my skills a bit right now in a volunteer capacity, but I hope that one day when every kid is in school all day I can give more of my time.

7. When you attended school, were you the class clown, the class overachiever , the shy person, or always ditching?
I wasn't any of these. I got along fine with pretty much everyone, as well as my teachers. I excelled in some subjects, did miserably in others. I got involved and kept busy, and I did on occasion ditch class.

8. If you close your eyes and want to visualize a very poignant moment of your life what would you see?
Walking in the CIBC Run for a Cure with my mother, who is a 21 year breast cancer survivor. We have a strong maternal history of breast cancer in our family, which puts me at a very high risk. To have put so much effort into spreading the word about breast cancer awareness and then walk with my mom was an amazing moment. I'm so thankful that she beat the disease. I was only 7 when she was diagnosed, and now she's watching my children grow up.

9. Is it easy for you to share your true self in your blog or are you more comfortable writing posts about other people or events?
I don't mind sharing about myself. Since I blog about books I try to keep it about the books but every once in a while you'll find glimpses of myself in my reviews.

10. If you had the choice to sit down and read or talk on the phone, which would you do and why?
Read! I'm really a not a phone person. I'll use it when I have to but if I'm going to have a long conversation with someone I want to do it in person. I love reading and writing letters, nothing like good old fashioned mail!

Now it's time for me to pass on my awards! Each award requires me to pass it on to 15 people. Rather than pass on to 30, or decide who gets which award, I'm going to pick 15 bloggers I love and let them know I love them, and they can decide which award they want to pass on (if they want to, I don't mind if it's something they'd rather not do!)


  1. Thank you so much, Shan! Hugs to you....

  2. Thanks for the award, Shan. I love it that you went out to watch Dutch soccer! Did you dress in orange like the natives? :-)

  3. Thank u for the award, Shan :)

    enjoy ur week!


  4. Thank you so much for the award! It's lovely to read the answers to these questions and find out more about you!

  5. New follower to your blog, this award-thing came just in time: feel like I know you already! :-)

  6. Thank you so much for the award! It is always nice to be recognised in this way, but I'm afraid I no longer post about them as I struggle to know who to give them too!

    I found it espcially touching to read about your mother's breast cancer. It must have been so hard for you as a child, but it is wonderful that she survived and that you are spreading the message.

  7. Thank you all, I love the book blogger community and you have all influenced me so much.

    Leeswammes - We were all dressed in orange and some lovely Dutch vacationers shared their droppies and stroppwaffels with us as well as the flag when it started to rain!

    Jackie - at the time I didn't understand what my mom was going through. But as I get older and now as I watch my daughter grow up I realize how strong my mom was!

  8. Shan! Thanks for the award. I'm so excited about some of the other blogs you listed. I've been checking them out and there is some great reading! :)

  9. Thank you so much! This was a nice surprise after a busy and tiring week. You brought smile to my face!

  10. Thanks for the award Shan! It was great reading about you and your positive approach to life and the things you care about :)


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