"Struggles of a Dreamer" by Yahaya Baruwa

Tunde is a beggar on the streets of New York City, a far cry from the life he imagined he would be living when he moved to America.   But a chance encounter with an anonymous businessperson will change his life.  He is introduced to a man named Toku'te, the son of a farmer who has dreams for himself bigger than what his family wants for him.  As he sets out to break free from tradition, Toku'te faces many challenges, but his dream and desire push him forward.  His story shows Tunde that it's never too late to get his life back on track and follow his dreams.

Struggles of a Dreamer: The Battle between a Dream and Tradition is a self-published novel by debut author Yahaya Baruwa.  I met Baruwa at my local bookstore where he was working hard to publicize his novel and after reading the book I truly hope his hard work pays off.

Full of life lessons, this book will encourage readers to follow their dreams.  Too often, we stay in our comfort zone or get discouraged by our circumstances, but the stories of Tunde and Toku'te show that with initiative and hard work, we can achieve what we want.  For many people, they find themselves torn between tradition or what their family wants for them and their dreams.  It can be daunting to follow your dreams but with faith and determination it can be done.  It is the choices we make that will get us there.

Though places and people aren't really referred to here, you definitely get a feel of culture and history and this book has the feel of reading the traditions of a culture passed down over years and centuries.  It reminds me of sitting and listening to the elders pass down their wisdom and knowledge gained over a lifetime.  

You can find this book in stores and online in e-book format.  Yahaya Baruwa is devoted to his dream of inspiring people around the world with this book and he is putting the message of his book into practice with his hard work.


  1. Shan,Thank so much for taking the time to review my novel,"Struggles of a Dreamer." -Cheers

    Yahaya Baruwa

  2. I love any book that allows me to explore a different culture than my own. Great review :)

  3. What a wonderfult way to meet a book and an author!
    The plot seems interesting too, as I think I have never read a book in which the main character is a beggar in a big city!


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