Armchair BEA Day 3: Literary Fiction

So I've mentioned before that Literary Fiction is one of the genres that I read a lot from.  That wasn't always the case.  For years (mostly my school years) whenever I had the time to read something that wasn't a textbook I went for easy, light reads.

There was one book however that I read in high school that made a great impression on me - In the Skin of a Lion by Michael Ondaatje.  It takes place in Toronto in the 1920's and 30's and is about the immigrants who physically built this city.  To this day, whenever I drive under/across the Bloor Viaduct (which is very often) I think of the book, even though I read it over a decade ago.  To me, that is what is wonderful and beautiful about literary fiction.

It wasn't until I started blogging that I really began to get into the genre and a world of authors and stories was opened up to me.   Some of my favourite books from years of blogging:

The Long Song by Andrea Levy
The Sky is Falling by Caroline Adderson
Half-Blood Blues by Esi Edugyan
The Imposter Bride by Nancy Richler
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Ghana Must Go by Taiye Selasi
The Dinner by Herman Koch
The Painted Girls by Cathy Marie Buchanan

What I love most about this genre is the way it takes me into lives I wouldn't otherwise encounter.  You travel the world, meet all sorts of people, and are just swept up into unique lives.


  1. I'll have to try In The Skin of a Lion, as it made such a big impression on you.
    And I'm really excited to read Americanah, I've loved everything else that Adichie has written.

  2. Ooo, I really want to read The Painted Girls!


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