Little Readers

Little Readers is where I share the books that my kids have been reading over the past week.  These are their favourites, or ones that I really enjoy for learning points.
Fifteen Animals by Sandra Boynton
This is one that my son read at his speech therapy.  The farmer has fifteen animals and they all seem to be named Bob!  Bob is great for the articulation my son has been working on, but all kids are going to find this book cute and funny.
Le club des verts by Annette Aubrey (The Rainbow Club in English)
Kids at school start a club where it's members wear green but other kids begin to feel left out.  A great book for talking to your children about bullying and the feelings that go with it.

J'ai perdu mon chat by Philippe Beha (I've Lost My Cat in English)
A little boy has lost his cat and his friends try to find him.  But they end up bringing home animals that don't quite match the entire description!  A huge shout out to TD Bank Group and The Canadian Children's Book Centre for their Grade One Book Giveaway Program.  Each year, every grade one student gets a free Canadian book to bring home.

My daughter likes to pick a topic and then go to the library and find all the books she can on that topic. This week she chose the farm and I really like these books by Sharon Dagleish.  Working Dogs, Sheep, and Pigs have a wealth of information about the animals from beginning to end but presented in a way that young children will learn a lot.

I'm linking this post up to The Children's Bookshelf at What Do We Do All Day.


  1. I can see how Sandra Boynton books would be rally good for speech therapy! Thanks for linking up again this week to The Children's Bookshelf.

  2. I love this idea :) I miss having little kids! (Mostly for the books!)

  3. Fifteen animales sounds very fun for kids! And for adults! :)
    I don't have children but I like very much taking a look around the children's space in the libraries. There's a lot of variety nowadays, and I think it's great!

  4. The Boynton book looks great. My son enjoys every one of her books that we've found so far!

  5. We have always loved Boynton's The Belly Button Book. Thanks for the book suggestions!


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