"It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.  It's a great way for book bloggers to share what they are reading and do what we do best - add books to our to read lists!

My reading has been pretty slow lately, just finishing about a book a week.  I'm focusing on finishing up my challenges and just working on finding more time to read.

What I Read Last Week:

Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappé (click on title for review)

What I'm Reading Now:

Beware This Boy by Maureen Jennings
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

What I'm Reading Next:

Heads in Beds: A Reckless Memoir of Hotels, Hustles and So-Called Hospitality by Jacob Tomsky
Selected Poems of Langston Hughes by Langston Hughes

What are you reading this week? Any challenges you need to finish up for the year?


  1. Heads in Beds caught my interest...hope you enjoy your week!


    1. Yes, I'm looking forward to Heads in Beds, it caught my interest when I first saw it!

  2. I really REALLY want to read Monte Cristo...not sure what I'm waiting for, lol.

    1. LOL, I put it off for a long time, it can appear daunting!

  3. I still havent cracked open The Count of Monte Cristo but it has moved to the table next to the computer so that it can taunt me unmercilessly with its heft. ;-)

    1. At least it's getting closer to you! It will win over eventually!

  4. I don't like poetry so much; I never read this genre.

    So I'm reading The secret keeper, in English!
    It's quite difficult for me but I want to try.

    I also have challenges in my Spanish blog: about classics, about Spanish authors, about family sagas... I hope I can finish some of them!! :))
    Next year I will do one about a number of books in English, for sure!

    1. I forgot to say that I'm Spanish ;)

    2. I don't read much poetry either but I'm reading (actually re-reading) this book for a challenge I'm participating in.

  5. Diet for a Small Planet has been lying in my kitchen bookshelf for years now - a colleague gave it to me after a discussion about what we eat and why...I have to actually read it fully still and seeing it here inspires me to.
    The Count of Monte Cristo is something I have read in an abridged version as a child - maybe should pick up the unabridged version soon...

  6. I really enjoyed Diet for a Small Planet, I want to get my own copy, it still holds up decades later!

  7. I love, love, love Langston Hughes. I think you will too. I'm reading Borges selected poems book right now.

    1. I read Langston Hughes when I was in high school and really enjoyed him. I'm sure I'll like his poems even more now. I'm not a big poetry fan but I'm branching out, I'll have to look into Borges.


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