Book Blogger Confessions #1

I just discovered this brand new meme, Book Blogger Confessions. It is co-hosted by Tiger of All-Consuming Books and Karen of For What It's Worth Reviews. The meme, running on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, is an opportunity for book bloggers to come together and discuss book blogging, it's ups and downs, the good and the bad.

The first question is: How has the "job" of book blogging changed your reading habits? Both pro and con.

Pros: I'm definitely reading a lot more! Before I would read when I felt like it, now I make time for reading. One of the best things to come out of book blogging for me is that I've been introduced to so many genres, books and authors I never would have touched before. After finishing university I was pretty tired of reading, and when I did pick up a book, it was almost always chick lit. Now I'm reading classics, mystery, young adult, even speculative fiction.

Cons: I find myself pushing through books I don't really care to read. I feel like if I'm reviewing the book I owe it to the author and publisher to get through the whole thing. Before this, I would just give up on a book and move on to the next one if I wasn't into it. I even felt that way with library books! If I posted on my blog I was reading it, then I needed to finish it! So I'm working on keeping the pressure off of me and remembering that this is a hobby, not a job.


  1. This meme sounds very interesting.

  2. Ooh I like this Meme! I'm not really a book blogger, but I may do this (reading is a big focus for me this year!).

  3. I also push through books just to finish them - not just to get my numbers up, but there are so many books & so little time!

  4. Agree. I would like to read slower and more deeply. But I think this reading fast through books is a problem that avid readers have always had. Although, probably book blogging makes it worse with the pressure and all that.


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