Book Blogger Hop!

Happy Friday! It's time for the Book Blogger Hop! Usually hosted by Jennifer at Crazy For Books, this week it is hosted by Lori at Lori's Reading Corner. Hop on over, check out the rules, and link up!

This week's question is: Who is the one author that you are dying to meet?

My answer: Only one? Really? Well, I've never been one to follow the rules, so I've picked two.

Alexander McCall Smith. I love the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency and I would love to discuss the series with him. Also, he was born in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and taught at the University of Botswana and I would love to hear about his experience living in Africa and how it influenced him to write the series.
Sophie Kinsella. I just love her books and think she would be so much fun to hang out with and talk chick lit with.

Which author would you like to meet? Have you met any authors before?


  1. Oh dear, I would not be able to choose just one,
    but do like your choices.

    Have a great weekend


  2. Hello! Stopping by via the Hop. I've heard that Kinsella's work is phenomenal! I haven't had to read it yet, however. Already a follower :) My post this week is here.

    Don't miss loads of fun!

    ~Zakiya LadyWings

  3. Happy blog hopping!.

    I read varied genres, have a truly eclectic taste in books. Feel free to explore my blog, browse my reviews. I follow via google reader NOT GFC!

    Here is my Book Blogger Hop/Follow Friday post!

  4. I forgot about A. McCall-Smith, I'd like to hear about his life in Africa too. I love the No. 1 Ladies' series!

    My hop:

  5. Great author choices, just blogging by.

  6. You've got a lot of reviews under your belt, and from a wide range of genres.

    Discover new authors at Indie Snippets!

  7. I wouldn't mind meeting either of your choices! I've been lucky enough to meet some authors, including one that I've had a mad crush on for years. :)

    Happy Hopping!

  8. I bet Sophie has a great sense of humor..great picks!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my bloggy, "Cover to Cover and Everything in Between"...I'm following you now:) Hope you can follow back!


  10. Nice choices being given by the various bloggers.

  11. I Love Alexander McCall Smith. I've read every series he's written. A writer, a musician and a medical man, I bet he would be fascinating company. Great choice. I'm following you now.

  12. Hi! I'm returning your Hop visit- new follower. Excellent author choices! I read the first No. 1 Ladies book and I loved it... and Sophie Kinsella is one of my all time favs!

    Thanks for visiting!

  13. I"ve been trying to make a point to attend author events. They are lots of fun and it's good to put a real person to the name on the cover.

    now to chia, I am going to try adding a bit to our morning smoothie. I make a full blender and divide it for the four of us.


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