Book Blogger Hop!

Happy Friday! It's time for the Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Crazy For Books. Each week about 300 book bloggers participate, so you will definitely find some great blogs to follow! As well, each week there is a question/topic to answer that will help us all get to know each other better.

This weeks is: Post a link to a favourite post or review you have published in the last three months. The link I'm posting is my review of A Year of Living Generously by Lawrence Scanlan. I found this book very inspiring and it definitely made me look at the needs of those around me and how I can get involved. This book is fairly new and Canadian so it may be difficult for some people to get their hands on, but I hope that my review will also inspire you to get out and volunteer.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. It was the first week of school here, and today is my daughter's first day of Kindergarten! She's pretty excited but a little nervous. What an exciting day for her! (I'm pretty sure I'm going to cry.)


  1. Found you via the Blogger Hop so I hopped over to say HI :) Love the title of your blog!

    Would love it if you visited our BLOG sometime!

    Happy Friday and Happy reading!!
    Book ♥ Soulmates

  2. I think this is such a great idea - posting our favorite review. Mine is for The Doctor and the Diva - great book.

    Hope your daughter enjoyed her first day of Kindergarten - I used to teach it and my favorite day was always the first - watching these little kids come in all eager to learn as much as they can!

  3. Found you through the blog hop. I'm a follower now. I'm also a fellow Canadian!
    Your book sounds like it made a big impact on you. I'll have to look for it.

  4. Happy weekend. I'm already a follower. Come see what my favorite review is.

  5. Hi, lovely blog and great review! I'm a follower. Feel free to stop by my blog in your spare time,

    Have a great weekend,
    Ms. C


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