Book Blogger Hop

Happy Friday! Fridays seem to be coming so fast lately! Of course, it means the weekends seem to be going twice as fast.

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer at Crazy For Books. It's a great way to meet up with and network with other bloggers and find some great blogs to follow. No matter what type of books you read, there is someone there who reads the same genres!

Each week, we given a question to discuss. This weeks question is - When you write reviews, do you write them as you are reading or wait until you have read the entire book?

I always write my reviews when I am done the book. Some I write as soon as I am done the books, others I have to put down, give some thought, and then come back the next day and write the review. I do like to get the review done as soon as possible. However, as I am reading I will often think about what I will include in the review or I will mark pages or passages that I want to include in the review. Some things will really jump out at me and I make a mental note to include them in the review.

Thanks for hopping by and I hope you all have a lovely weekend!


  1. Just hopping by. Samson and Delinda?? LOL.

  2. I'm envious of you who can keep the reviews in mind while you read. I get too absorbed!!

    Check out my Hop here:
    Book Blogger Hop, Follow Friday and a Giveaway!

  3. Also, hopping by. Love the blog, I just started one recently

    Feel free to stop by, I now follow yours too!

  4. Hey Shan - I do the same thing!!!

    Already a follower - just saying hi!

  5. Hello, I'm stopping by via the hop. Hope you are having a great weekend!

  6. Just hopping by….

    Stop by my blog if you get a chance for the answer to this week’s questions…it was my question that was chosen…pretty neat.

    I also have a lot of review you may want to check out.

    Happy Hopping, Everyone….hop on over to my blog to see MY answer to MY question. :)


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