"I Let You Go" by Clare Mackintosh

When Jenna Gray’s life changed in a split second, the world became too much for her to handle. Knowing the only way she would be able put it all behind her was to escape, and so she left her home to live in a remote cottage on the Welsh coast. But no matter how far from home she was, she couldn’t escape the events of that terrible night in November.

The detectives investigating the case couldn’t just walk away. Though there were few leads, they knew that if they just kept with it long enough, there would be a breakthrough. And when that happens, the past comes crashing back down on Jenna just as she thinks she may once again be able to experience a little happiness in her life.

I Let You Go, by Clare Mackintosh, is a heartbreaking, thrill ride of a novel that will have you hooked with every twist and turn.

Whenever someone asks me if I have read this book, all I can say is “yes and wow.” This book gets a big, huge “WOW” from me. It is incredible. Twice, I gasped so loud that I was glad I was on my own. Had I reacted the way I did while reading this book on the bus (where I do a lot of reading), I definitely would have turned the heads of everyone on board.

The twists in this book are absolutely amazing and that just goes to show how good the writing is. A co-worker noticed I was reading it and asked me how it was. At that point, I was just over a hundred pages in and my reply was that while I was enjoying it, I couldn’t quite figure out where it was going and why everyone was really excited about the book. The next morning I picked it up, got to the end of part one, cue the first gasp and that was it, I was hooked. I ended up reading the rest of the book (200+ pages) in that one sitting.

This book has everything I look for in a psychological thriller. It keeps you guessing which keeps you hooked, everything unfolds at the right pace, and when you do find out what is really going on you are shocked. I may still be new to this whole genre but to me, this is the best of the best in the genre. I know that other books are being declared “this year’s Girl on the Train” but I think that this book blows that tag out of the water. 

It is so hard to discuss this book without giving away any of the storyline. And that should not happen at all. This is such a fantastic reading experience and the twists are what make it amazing. So I definitely wouldn’t want to let anything slip in this review and thus will stay away from any discussion of the actual plot. Just know that I think this book is fantastic and I highly recommend it. 


  1. The end of part one of this book blew me away also! Great blog, keep up the wonderful work. :)


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