Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'm Not Sure I Want to Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's list is Top Ten Books I'm Not Sure I Want to Read.  I've divided this list into two - the first half is books I have bought but I'm not sure I want to read and the second half is books I put on my Classics Club list and I'm not that amped to read anymore.

Books I've Bought
Who doesn't love a good bargain on books.  I can't resist the Buy 3 Get the 4th Free sale at Chapters Indigo especially on the bargain books.  Nor can I resist the bookshelves at the Goodwill down the street.  So that is how all of these books ended up on my shelf but I'm not sure I'm going to read them considering they've been on my shelf for a few years now (some, over a decade.)

Books on my Classics Club list
I joined the Classics Club so that I could achieve my goal of reading more classics and I chose 50 books off of the 1001 Books to Read Before You Die list that I really wanted to read.  Only now that I'm faced with the knocking books off the list, there are a few there I kind of wish weren't on the list on anymore.

If you have read any of these and think I should, please convince me of it!


  1. Well, I have to say I wouldn't want to read most of these . . .And oh my goodness, don't start Eat, Pray Love! It's terrible. BUT I thought The Poisonwood Bible was a wonderful read--thought-provoking and a good story, and Kingsolver's best novel.

    1. I don't think I'll read Eat Pray Love. I didn't want to when it was out but then it was Half Off Friday at Goodwill and I saw it and thought I'd pick it up and see what the big deal was.

  2. I'm currently reading Les Miserables. It's on my CC list as well, and I kept putting it off. I'm not far enough into it to give you my opinion, though, but I've only heard good things about it! Well, I've heard "bad things" like it's too long, but that shouldn't be a reason not to give it a try. - Maggie @ An American in France

    1. And I know it will love it but I think at the moment what is putting me off is the length. Not that long books scare me, but there is so much that I want to read and I always think that in the time I read a long book I could read 3 shorter books and that sounds better to me.

  3. I adored The Poisonwood Bible. It is so well told, and I love books set in far away places. The Jonathan Safran Foer, to me, was a revolutionary book. It played with different genres and broke down barriers. And beyond that it's just plain funny. One of the character's translation problems leave him naming his dog the Officious Bitch instead of Office Dog. That still makes me smile.

  4. I haven't heard the best things about Eat. Pray, Love, sadly. But a few of these look worthy of your time!


  5. For me Eat, Pray, Love was not worth reading. The Poisonwood Bible, on the other hand, was excellent - great story, even better writing.


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