Feature & Follow Friday

Feature & Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read.

Happy Friday everyone!  It is a cold one here, I just went out to take my daughter to the school bus and it is -18C/0F.  The only thing I like about the cold is that kids in big fat snowsuits are the cutest little things!

This weeks question is:  Who is your favourite villain from a book?

This is a tough one for me to answer.  I don't really read books that have a dominant villain or a villain that stands out in say, the way Voldemort does in Harry Potter.  But I will answer and say that last year I discovered the author Liza Marklund who writes Swedish crime novels.  And she writes them in such a wonderful way that I actually feel attached/somewhat sympathetic to the criminal while at the same time hating them for the crimes they have committed.  I'd say that's the sign of a pretty good writer.  Two of her books that I have enjoyed are The Bomber and Vanished.

Who is your favourite villain from a book?


  1. Oooh it's the worst when you feel sympathetic for the villain. Haha, you want to hate them so much but just can't! Hope you have a happy Friday :)

    Here's my FF!

  2. Oo Swedish crime novels you say, awesome! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm a new follower :D

  3. Great choice!!

    Thanks for checking out my blog and following, I am now following back : )

  4. Hopping on through :) Amazing blog you have here.

    New Follower via GFC would appreciate the follow back

    Co-Owner/Founder and Blogger of Lunar Haven

    Here is our FF Post -> Lunar Haven FF Post

  5. Once again, hold your hisses and boos. I have not read HP. In fact, I tried it a number of times and just couldn't do it. I am convinced that one of these tries, something magical is going to click and I am going to see what everyone else sees.
    Thanks for stopping by my FF. Following back and looking forward to your bookish thoughts.

    1. Ooh, I see that you are reading The Painted Girls. It is on my 'must read' list, so I will be looking for your review.

    2. Haha, I've only read the first three HP books. When they started to get long, I quit. And I waited years before I tried them.

  6. Oh a Swedish crime novelist! I made a note of her name! I'll look her up later. Thanks!

    New follower! My FF post!

    1. She's lovely, her books were my first introduction to Swedish crime novels and I'm hooked.

  7. Never heard of the other books, but they sound interesting. Voldemort is a cool choice though :)

    New Follower!

  8. Hi, from a new GFC follower.

    Good choices! :)


  9. New Follower! Happy Feature & Follow :)


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