Month In Review

Well, January was quite the month.  It was a cold one here for a while in Toronto, with deep freeze temperatures.  That kept me indoors reading quite a lot.  Then there was the two-day root canal and the accompanying jaw pain that kept me on the couch and reading quite a lot.

So January turned out to be a great reading month for me.  Usually I find myself in a bit of a slump at the end of December/beginning of January with the holidays and getting back into the swing of things.  But this year I decided that I would try to put myself on a sort of reading schedule, making sure I read challenge books each month so I'm not rushing at the end, getting of all the review books read in a quick manner, and knocking books of my TBR list as well as new releases.  It felt good to be so organized! 

Books Read

Here's what I read in January (stars are the ratings I gave the books on GoodReads.)

The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis ****

I Heart London by Lindsay Kelk ****

The Painted Girls by Cathy Marie Buchanan ****

The Tutor's Daughter by Julie Klassen ****

The Heavy by Dara-Lynn Weiss ***

Siddhartha by Herman Hesse ***

1000 Days by Jonathan Falwell ***

The Child's Child by Barbara Vine **


This month I read 1 book for each of the Back to Classics Challenge, Canadian Book Challenge, Around the World in 12 Books, Historical Fiction Challenge, The Classics Club and Around the World in 80 Books.

Month Ahead

In February, I will be participating in the Social Justice Theme Read month hosted by Rachel at Resistance is Futile.

How was your January reading?


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