"It's Monday, What Are You Reading?"

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.  It's always great to start off the week with my reading planned and knowing which books to look forward to!

Last week was a pretty busy one with kids soccer and gymnastics, field trips and gorgeous weather.  Not to mention the start of the Euro Cup (go Oranje!)  So I only read one book but I'm looking forward to getting back into things.

Last week I read:
Gold by Chris Cleave.  A story about Olympic cyclists, their friendship and rivalry, and life with a little bit of Star Wars thrown in.  Review to come soon.

Right now I am reading:
Something Fierce: Memoirs of a Revolutionary Daughter by Carmen Aguirre.  Carmen's mother and stepfather were South American resistance fighters and Carmen recounts her childhood and how she decided to join the resistance herself.

Next I am going to read:
 Ru by Kim Thuy.  Follows the journey of a young woman from a palatial residence in Saigon, to a Malaysian refugee camp and onto a new life in Quebec where she must deal with her youngest son's autism.
The Red House by Mark Haddon.  Over the course of a week a man, his new wife and willful stepdaughter stay in the English countryside with his estranged sister, her husband and three children.  Long-held grudges, hopes and dreams all rise to the surface in this novel about the family dynamic.

What are you reading?


  1. Looking forward to your review on Gold. My book group read Little Bee. Happy Reading!
    Rebecca @ The Key to the Gate

    1. I haven't read Little Bee. I wanted to but never got around to it. Now that I've read Gold, I'll probably make an effort to pick it up now.

  2. Looks like you have some very thought provoking books ahead. I hope you enjoy them all. My Monday Report is here. Happy reading!

    1. Thanks! I've been in a "thought provoking" stretch lately!

  3. Something Fierce looks really cool! Kind of like "The Glass House" although that one isn't nearly as extreme. :)

    Happy reading this week!
    What are YOU reading @ The Brunette Librarian??

    1. I haven't read The Glass House. I'll have to go check it out, I'm really enjoying Something Fierce.

  4. Gold sounds really good and Chris Cleave could not have picked a better time to publish the book!

    1. It really has me looking forward to the Olympics now, especially the cycling! Perfect timing.

  5. Oh - I have to check out SOMETHING FIERCE! Thank you for spotlighting it!

    Have a great week!


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