Book Blogger Hop

Schools. Out. For. Summer!!!  Yes, that song has been in my head since yesterday.  The summer is officially here.  I'm looking forward to a bit of travel and a lot of reading over the next two months.

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer at Crazy For Books.  It's a weekly book blogger gathering, a great way to get to know your fellow bloggers and find great new blogs and books.

This weeks question is: Do you have a keeper shelf for the books you loved?  What books are on your shelf and why?

I put every book I read on my bookshelves.  I want to have my own little library one day.  I don't have the room yet, but when I started blogging I put two bookcases into my bedroom and began collecting that way.  I'm now in need of a new bookcase.

I do however keep the top two shelves for the books I absolutely loved.  One for my favourite fiction and one for my favourite Christian books.

How about you?


  1. I also want my own library one day, but right now there's barely any room and I must keep things clutter free since I still live with the parents.

    1. When I lived with my parents I had to keep most of my books in boxes as well. A lot of them are still there waiting until I have a house, not an apartment.

  2. I am dreaming about a library as well - maybe one day. I had a nice collection growing up, but then I had to pack everything to storage when I moved away from home- now I have books in two different homes in two different countries.

    1. Wow, two different countries, but hey, two libraries!!! That's awesome. I have a lot of books still packed away as well.

  3. I have a huge collection of books - most I have not read yet but I do have some I loved and kept. Check out my link to see some of my favorites I have kept.

    1. I keep all of my not read books on the shelves of my bedside table. But that's starting to overflow so I need to figure something else out!

  4. I have my own library but they are not in one room. I wish that I could afford a 2 bedroom house or condo so that I could put all of my bookcases in the 2nd bedroom. That has been my dream since I was 5. Now that I am over 50 I may have to downsize my dream since it hasn't happened yet!

    1. I'm hoping that when we move out of our apartment and into a house I can have one room just for books. Thankfully my husband is handy so he can figure out some way of working my library into whatever house we buy! One room full of bookcases would be awesome.

  5. I LOVE the name of your blog! Love it!
    I keep all my books on one shelf. I started off with a small one, which I put up a little after I started blogging and winning giveaways, then i ran out of room so I got a bigger shelf that holds all my stuff! I really hope that one day I will have a whole wall of a room (or a whole room!) that is a bookcase so I can fill it with books!
    Hope you're having a great weekend!
    new follower!


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