Book Blogger Hop

It's Friday!  Today my daughter is graduating from Kindergarten.  The school year doesn't end until next week, but it's the ceremony today.  It's exciting to see her make it through her first year of schooling in French and the best part is she really enjoyed it!

It's also time for the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Jennifer at Crazy For Books.  It's a great place for book bloggers and readers to connect!

This weeks question is: Do you immediately write a review upon finishing a book or do you wait and write multiple reviews at once?

I prefer to put down a book and think about the review for a little bit before I actually write it.  However, if I don't get to it within a day or two I will get backed up writing reviews and I don't like having to do multiple reviews at a time.  If I'm on a roll with my reading, I usually have a week between when I'm done reading and when I post a review, so I take a little bit of time to get the review done.  If I'm in a hurry to get the review up, then I will write it right away.  I like to give myself some time and not feel rushed with anything.

How about you?  Do you write reviews right away?


  1. Hopping by to check out your response and your lovely blog.

    By the way, congrats to your little girl! I bet she was very excited receiving her promotion. How do you feel that she is soon going to be a first grader?

    Well, like you, I too sometimes wait and let the book sink in before I write the review. :)

    Come hop by my blog:

    1. These years have gone by fast, it seems crazy to me that my first born is in grade one already! Not looking forward to the early time for the bus next year though! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Just hopping by.

    Congratulations to your daughter. That must be really exciting, I wouldn't know since I'm not a parent and I only remember when my sisters went to grade 1 and so on, no one of them is in high school, one is graduating elementary school and be in high school next year, and the youngest is going to be in grade 6 next year (makes me feel old even though I'm not even 20 yet), time sure files by fast

    I'd rather write the review right so the events that happened in the book and my feelings are still fresh in my mind, it's easier for me that way.

    Here's my Book Blogger Hop post

    And I'm a new follower.

    1. Time does fly by fast! I agree that you want to get reviews done when they're fresh in your mind. If I wait too long, I forget some things! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I need to do more book reviews! Love hearing what you're reading - I snaffle so many tips from you!

    1. I'm so glad that I can help Claire! That's why I wanted to start this blog!

  4. I found you through Book Blogger Hop! Nice to meet you!
    My answer is here:
    I have 2 other blogs:

    Thank you!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Annette! I look forward to checking out your blogs.

  5. Hi! I'm Kelsey from Ketch's Book Nook! I stopped by from the Book Blogger Hop. I have a similar way of writing reviews. I like to take the time to think it through after I finish.
    Hope to see you stop by my blog:

    Have a great weekend and Happy Reading!

  6. I understand. I hate a rushed feeling too. I just crumble if I'm rushed.

  7. I write better under pressure, so my best reviews are usually the ones that I had to write because I needed a review. But not having reviews ready stresses me out so in the end I just need to plan better. :)

    Congrats to your daughter!

    1. I mark in iCal when I'm going to publish a review after I'm done reading the book. So if I come up on a day and I haven't written that review, it's stressful. I don't think I write better under pressure though!

  8. Congratulations! That first school year is a big milestone. It is good to let a book settle a bit before deciding what to write about it, but when I do that, the books tend to get away from me. I learned I have to write the reviews before I get sidetracked and forget what I wanted to say.

    1. I have to keep on myself if I'm going to let the book sit for a little bit before I write the review. Otherwise I find myself scrambling to write and like you I forget what I want to say. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I can't wait a week! I may have read 3 more books in between and I'll have forgotten the main things I wanted to say about the book. If it's a very good book, I'll probably think about it when I'm not reading it, so straight afterwards I'm very motivated to give my opinion. More often, I have to force myself to sit down and write the review in a day or two, three.

    1. I usually write the review before the week is up then just make it a scheduled post. I used to post as soon as I finished a book but then I would go periods of not posting much at all. So now I schedule things, and I like to keep a week ahead. But the posts usually get written much earlier than a week!

  10. I could never wait a week, or would hate it if I did, lol, I do have a great memory, but hate to have to think that hard, lol. Here is my Book Blogger Post

    1. I try to write them sooner, they just don't get posted for a week. But I have ended up leaving it for a week and yes, it takes much more thinking when I do that!

  11. I like to give myself time, too. I want to write thoughtful posts and that doesn't happen for me if I rush... although sometimes that happens, too.

    1. I find I often think about books for a few days after, so my posts end up more thoughtful if I let them sit for a bit!

  12. I've always got a notebook at hand while reading a book, to jot down any thoughts as I go. I tend to write the review as soon as I finish the book, or at least pick out some points and make an outline, and type it up the next time I'm at my computer. I don't always publish them right away, sometimes I'll schedule them for a day or two later, depending how regularly I've been writing at the time.

  13. I sometimes write them immediately and the thoughts just flow freely for me on some books. Other times I take a day or so before I write the review or I may have another book that I have a deadline to read.


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