Book Blogger Hop

Happy Friday!  The 2012 Euro Cup is heating up and it is all about Football in our household!  Well, football and reading.  There's always reading :)

The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Jennifer at Crazy For Books.  Each week book bloggers get together to visit and get to know each other.  It's a great way to find fantastic blogs.

This weeks question is:  Do you belong to a book club, either online or in real life?

Currently I don't.  I've never really participated in a a full-fledged book club.  I joined one in school, read the book, but then I couldn't make it to the meeting.  And the club didn't continue after that because things at school got too busy!

Last year Joy at Edgy Inspirational Romance ran an online Christian Fiction Book Club and I participated in a couple of the books, the ones I could manage to get my hands on.

But I've never been a part of a book club that meets regularly and that I've been able to read all the books. Maybe I should start one....

Do you belong to a book club?


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I never have tried an online book club, but I think I have my hands full and shouldn't do it anyway. :)

    Stopping by from the blog hop.


    Silver's Reviews

  2. New follower,

    Thanks for stopping by. I hope to stop by more. Great answer. Thanks for your comment

  3. Hi, found you from the Book Blogger Hop, I have a link for my post here if you want to visit. (its also in the link list too)

  4. Face to face book clubs are so hard to work into people's schedules. Online ones are the way to go! :)

    Alison at The Cheap Reader

  5. Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier. I hope you find a book club soon

  6. Thanks for visiting! I've never been in one, unless you wanted to count Shelfari groups. But those aren't exactly book clubs.

  7. I have never belonged to a book club before.

  8. Hello, I am new to this blog hop. I do not belong to an organized book readers club either. I own and run an online book tour company so I guess you could say several of us read the same book at the same time but we each choose which of the books on tour we want to read and then write reviews on them. Stop on by at TBR and my two blogs and say hello.

  9. I haven't ever been a member of a regular book club either online or off. I hopscotch around my library too much to ever be disciplined enough to join one.

    Aaron (Dreaming About Other Worlds)

  10. You know when Oprah launched her bookclub again, I have an urge to start the Christian Fiction Book Club 2.0, but so far haven't acted on it. I'm not sure if I'm ready to get back into blogging full time yet.


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