It's Monday What Are You Reading?

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.  I love this meme as it gets me set up for the week reading-wise, helps me set reading goals and motivates me to work my way through my to read pile.

Last week I read:
The Uninvited Guests by Sadie Jones (click on title for review)
Wait No More by Kelly and John Rosati (review coming soon)
Home by Toni Morrison (review coming soon)

This week I am:

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon
Participating in the bout of books read-a-thon.  It's a week long readathon, which is right up my alley!  For it I will be reading:
 The Headmaster's Wager by Vincent Lam
Redemption by Brian Clay 
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua.

I'm feeling really good about this week, how about you?


  1. These all look good to me!
    Have a wonderful week of reading!!

  2. I've heard Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother is a good book - I'll be looking forward to reading your review of it.

    Have a great week!
    Kristin @ Always With a Book

  3. Hope you make your goals for Bout-of-Books - you have some interesting reads lined up.

  4. I had forgotten that I wanted to read Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. Somehow it never made it to a TBR or wish list. Hope it's good, I'll be looking for your review.

    Happy reading!

  5. I loved reading the Tiger Mother although I didn't always agree. Hope you have a great read-a-thon!

  6. Woohoo for the readathon! I'm participating too! Hope you finidh all your books!


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