"Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)" by Mindy Kaling

You most likely know Mindy Kaling from The Office, where she stars as Kelly Kapoor and writes several of the show's episodes. Even if you're not a fan of the show, you probably still recognize her from her film roles. If you don't know who she is, you must go find out. A good place to start? Her new book, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns).

In essays, Kaling documents her life as the chubby child of immigrant professionals growing up in America, a university comedy actress portraying Ben Affleck in an Off-Broadway play and finally, having achieved her dream of becoming a comedy writer and actress. A quick read of this book will show you why she is so deserving of all the success she has had.

In the book she takes on topics such as karaoke etiquette, the rights and responsibilities of a best friend, romantic comedies, Irish exits, chest hair and comedy roasts among many, many other hilarious topics. I could totally relate to her revenge fantasies while jogging and wanting to know why men take so long to put on their shoes.

This is a fantastically funny book. The collection of essays present moments of seriousness as she shares how she made it in Hollywood, the struggles along the way and so many moments of hilarity as she shares the strange world of fame and her observations on everyday life.

Fans of Mindy Kaling's and The Office are definitely going to want to pick this up (I can't believe you haven't already!) If you don't fall into the above category you will still find this a funny, enjoyable read.

Thank you to Random House of Canada for providing me with a copy of this book.


  1. I love her, so great to hear the book is as hilarious as she is!

  2. I have watched The Office since the very first episode and have always loved her character. She's a great actress and I can't wait to read her book! Great review!

  3. That's good to know! This one is on my wishlist. :)

  4. I love books like this. I will have to put it in my TBR pile.

  5. Sounds great! I think she's a hoot as Kelly. Poor girl probably gets treated as if she's Kelly in reality :)


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