Review: "Mom's Bible: God's Wisdom For Mothers (NCV)

Mom's Bible: God's Wisdom for Mothers (New Century Version) is a wonderful tool for mothers who are looking to delve deeper into God's Word and understand the precious role they play in the lives of their children and families. The New Century Version makes it easy to read and the extra content covers a wide of range of topics and issues, giving women encouragement in each aspect of their daily lives.

The layout is great, the pages do not feel cluttered and it is easy to navigate. It is hardcover but is not heavy or large. The content is perfect for moms who do not have a lot of time to spend each day reading. The most outstanding feature for me is the "Answer to Questions Kids Ask" section. It gives you scripture and guides for when your kids ask questions like "where is Noah's ark now?"

While this would not be my first choice for a study bible, it will definitely be used for daily devotions and topical studies. I highly recommend this Bible for all moms who are seeking to understand God's plan for their lives.

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program.


  1. Shan,

    It sounds like that is one worth checking out because it has a lot you can share with the kids, too. (I've never seen that kind of feature before. Sounds cool!)

  2. That's cool that you got the bible for free! It sounds like a good bible. I have a Childrens bible that was given to me when I was... maybe 6 that I will use for our kids. I am SO excited to read it to them because I read it over and over and over again while growing up. It's a really good quality bible so it's still in perfect shape!

  3. LOL when you have been talking about this somewhere else I thought you literally meant you were reading YOUR mum's bible LOL.


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