Month In Review

I just realized that I didn't do a month in review for February.  Once again, it was a great month.  I got quite a few great chick lit novels through Netgalley and also read some great Canadian fiction and non-fiction including a graphic novel which is totally outside of my reading comfort zone.  Here are the books I read this month with the ratings I gave them on GoodReads.

Radiance of Tomorrow by Ishamel Beah  *****
Susceptible by Geneviève Castrée  ****
The Bear by Claire Cameron  ****
How to Get a (Love) Life by Rosie Blake  ****
Never Google Heartbreak by Emma Garcia  ****
The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris by Jenny Colgan  ****
Reclaiming Eve by Suzanne Burden, Carla Sunberg, and Jamie Wright  ****
Boss Girl by Nic Tatano ***

TBR Pile Challenge (0), Diversity on the Shelf (2), Classics Club (0), Canadian Book Challenge (3)

A Look Ahead
Here is what I'm looking forward to reading in March


  1. I have Every Day is for the Thief and will be attending Cole's book tour stop on the day the book is released. I like the Boss Girl cover and I'm going to check it out. How do I find you on GoodReads?

    1. I'm really looking forward to Every Day is for the Thief. I'm on GoodReads as Shan, my blog header is in my photo. I think you can find me from clicking on my 100 Books Challenge widget in the side bar.

  2. What did you think of Olivia Chow's book? Is she going to run against Ford? I kind of hope not. I think he will slaughter her. Better to have just one strong candidate against him so the vote doesn't get split.

    1. I loved it. I'm amazed at how many programs my family benefits from (school nutrition, recreation) were started by her. I'd like to see her run, the right is pretty heavy right now with strong contenders that could split votes, one strong person on the left would be a good idea.


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