Jane Eyre Read-along

Kerry at Entomology of a Bookworm is hosting "Septemb-Eyre: A Jane Eyre" read-along and I have decided to join in!  If you're interested, be sure to check it out here.  It's a great opportunity for me to knock another book of my Classics list, and it's always nice to have others reading along with you.

But first, I have a little confession to make....not only have I not read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, I don't actually know what it is about.

Seriously Miss Jay.  (And hey, that's the first ever gif used on my blog!)  I honestly cannot tell you one thing about the book if asked.  So maybe it's a good thing this read-along has come along.

ETA: I posted this a few days before the actual intro post.  Today, September 3, everyone else is posting and introducing themselves, so I thought I'd add a bit about more for those who are new to my blog via the read-along.  I'm on Twitter - @goodbooksandtea so be sure to find me.  I'll be adding all participants to a list so I can follow everyone's thoughts as we go.

I am a stay at home mom of two little ones.  My daughter starts Grade 2 today and my son starts Kindergarten tomorrow.  I'm seriously looking forward to having my days to myself though I'm not looking forward to the busy mornings and afternoons as my kids go to different schools and leave for and from school an hour apart.  Oh, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to fall apart when I come home from dropping my son off tomorrow.

I love to read but haven't read very many Classics, hence my joining the Classics Club and read alongs like this.  For a long time I rebelled against anything that resembled required reading from high school so I'm working on changing that attitude.  So far, I'm doing pretty well.


  1. You are not alone! I've never read it, and besides a very vague sense of a girl and a man named Rochester (I think?) I have NO IDEA what it's about. Glad I'm not the only one, since there are a lot of re-readers in this readalong. I'm hoping they'll be pointing out all the important bits that are harder to notice on a first read.

    I've got the linky working on today's intro post, so don't forget to add your link so other bloggers can find you! http://www.entomologyofabookworm.com/2013/09/septemb-eyre-roll-call.html

    1. I am so glad I'm not the only one who is going into this blind. It looks like a great mix of experience with this book, I'm looking forward to the readalong.

  2. Good evening, Shan!

    I must say, I am thrilled to be finding so many newbies who are reading Jane Eyre for the first time!! I am in this category myself, with the exception of knowing of the story, as I had a rather unique introduction to it!! You'll have to click over to my blog to read all the details, but I simply wanted to wave a hallo to you tonight, from one Septemb-Eyre girl to another! We haven't yet had a bloke join our fold, so I am safe to say this! I am curious, what is your favourite cuppa tea and do you drink tea as you read!?

    1. It's so hard for me to pick a favourite tea! But I will always be an orange pekoe with LOTS of milk girl. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone in the read along, it looks like a good group!

    2. Shan, I am always up for a new citrus infused tea -- which brand do you recommend if I were to try orange pekoe for the first time!? I left you a long reply over on my blog! :) Yes, I do concur with you!! We have populated quite a lovely group indeed in Septemb-Eyre! Cheers!

      **Due to severe technical issues, this note was waiting for you on my blog! I can finally post again!

  3. You're so lucky to be reading this for the first time and going in cold!!! Enjoy!

  4. Haha such a great gif! I may have used that face sometimes when people I know haven't read this book. Followed by immediate offers to loan, buy or read the book to them. :D I'm glad you are trying to read more Classics in general- it's a goal of mine too and I'm participating in Classics Club as well, though I'm woefully behind on my schedule!

    I'm looking forward to reading all your Janian related posts!

  5. I agree with Andi! I had a teacher in high school who had us watch a movie or tv version of the story to prepare for an AP test, instead of reading the book, so I already knew what the story was about. I hope you enjoy it!

  6. Hello there! Septemb-Eyre greetings from sunny Davao City, Philippines! :)

  7. Ha! Loved the gif...and don't worry, I'm in the same boat as you: never read Jane Eyre and don't know anything at all about the story or characters. I'm excited to be reading along with you and the other bloggers :) Happy reading! - Maggie @ An American in France

  8. Hi Shan, I'm new to Jane Eyre as well and I love it so far. I love reading and always wanted to read more classics, and the Classics Club is facilitating this desire. Happy to be on this journey with you!


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