Year in Review

2014 is coming to a close, another year that seems to have gone by way too fast. What can we do but enjoy each and every day as it comes? Trends Last year my reading was pretty eclectic, this year feels less so. When I look at the numbers I see that 1/3 of the books I read were Chick Lit and 1/4 of the books I read were Canadian. The rest is pretty eclectic but this year certainly did feel pretty chick lit heavy, mostly because I read only that genre during the summer and a big chunk of Christmas chick lit in November and December. Popular Posts My most popular posts this year were: Top Ten Books of 2014 Wait For It: The Legen-dary Story of How I Met Your Mother by Jesse McLean Deathbed Dimes by Naomi Elana Zener Prada and Prejudice by Katie Oliver All My Puny Sorrows by Miriam Toews The Guestbook by Holly Martin How to Get a (Love) Life by Rosie Blake Never Google Heartbreak by Emma Garcia All The Broke...