Month In Review

January was a good month. It was freezing cold outside most of the month so I guess I just stayed inside with some good books to keep me company. Here is what I read (stars are my Goodreads rating) Perfect - Rachel Joyce **** Bonkers - Jennifer Saunders **** When I Fall in Love - Miranda Dickinson **** The Dancing Master - Julie Klassen **** The Embassy of Cambodia - Zadie Smith **** Prayers for Boys - Brooke McGlothlin **** All the Broken Things - Kathryn Kuitenbrouwer **** Candide - Voltaire **** The Secret Keeper - Beverly Lewis *** Challenges TBR Pile Challenge (2), Diversity on the Shelf (1), Classics Club (1), Canadian Book Challenge (1) A Look Ahead Here are a few of the books I'm looking forward to reading in February