"Another Piece of My Heart" by Jane Green

Andi felt blessed when at the age of thirty-seven, she finally found the perfect man. Ethan is an amazing husband and devoted father to his two daughters, Emily and Sophia. Andi was thrilled to become step-mother to the two girls and accepted them as her own. But Andi struggled to accept the fact that she may never have children of her own. Her dream of motherhood and raising a child may never come true. Complicating the situation is teenager Emily. She sees Andi as an obstacle to her father's love and she will do everything she can to break up the family dynamic. Just when it looks like Andi cannot handle the rebellion anymore and Emily may have won, a crisis hits the family. The two find themselves at a crossroads, with everything they ever believed about family and motherhood coming into question. Another Piece Of My Heart by Jane Green is a sweet novel about love, family and motherhood. It raises the question of wha...