I love the summer, especially the summer here in Toronto. There is so much amazing stuff to do around the city and throughout Ontario. Unfortunately, extremely hot weather (above 40C with the humidity) and getting sick partway through the month means I haven't been able to do all I had planned for the summer. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for August because I have a lot I want to do before my husband and daughter head off to school. One good thing about the hot weather keeping us indoors a bit more means more reading! One book of note that I read (and will post the review for soon) is A Year of Living Generously by Lawrence Scanlan. He spent twelve months working with twelve different charities both at home (Ontario) and abroad. This book is eye-opening and inspiring. He showcases the work that so many people are doing to make this world a better place and how people like you and I can get involved and really make a difference. In July, the longlist for the Man Boo...